What is it?
A western adaption to Chinese Acupuncture, it involves using acupuncture needles to stimulate trigger-points throughout the body. Dry Needling requires practitioners to undergo post-graduate training and certification to use in practice.
It differs from Acupuncture a few key aspects. Dry Needling is used exclusively for neuro-muscular conditions while acupuncture is also used for other reasons related to Chinese Medicine including Qi flow and systemic conditions.
They also differ in technique, while Acupuncture tends to be inserted into the muscle for 5-30 minutes, Dry Needling is usually much quicker; under 5 minutes and can be manipulated to increase the effectiveness.
How does it work?
Acupuncture needles are inserted into trigger points where they have a range of effects on the body; including stimulating blood flow, decreasing tension, relaxing muscle knots and reducing pain.
Dry needling has also been show to increase proprioception and nerve firing in targets muscles, which can help with function and performance.