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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic has a long and rich history, dating back to 1895 in the US. The word Chiropractor comes from the Greek words cheir (meaning ‘hand’) and praktikos (meaning ‘done’) – in turn meaning to practice by hand.

A lot has changed over the past 125 years as we’ve had great advancements in our understanding of the human body, science and function; but that basic premise of treating the body holistically, with our hands, as a form of non-drug pain relief has stayed the same.

What can a Chiropractic help with?

Chiropractic can help you with all your musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and vestibular needs. We have a special interest in the spine and how the nervous system interacts with the rest of the body.

The spine is the central pillar of our body and it is the protective structure of the spinal cord. The central nervous system (including both the spinal cord and brain) control all bodily function including but not limited to pain, movement, dysfunction and stiffness. It is important to assess and treat the spine in order to allow the body to heal, prevent injury and enhance performance.

Injuries, pain and dysfunction that are often seemingly unrelated, commonly are connect through the spine. As this is the case, assessment of the spine both structurally and functionally is likely in your first visit to Smart Health and Performance as well as a full assessment of the site of concern and treatment if appropriate.

What sort of treatment should I expect?

Treatment will likely include adjustments to the spine (also known as spinal manipulations) which help improve segmental mobility, function and pain. Chiropractors also use a range of hands of techniques such as soft tissue techniques like trigger point therapy, massage, dry needling, cupping and functional stretching; as well as exercise rehabilitation to enhance your recovery.

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